Published Accepted Journal Papers
· H. M. Selim, R.M.S. Abdulaal, and A.I. Mahdi, “ Formation of Machine Groups and Part Families: a Modified SLC Method and Comparative Study”, Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 14/2, 123-137, 2003.
Published Conference Papers
· Adnan H. Zahed, Abdallah O. Bafail, Reda M.S. Abdel Aal, and Ali M. Al-Bahi, “Preparing for ABET Accreditation in a Non-Western, Non-English Speaking Environment,” accepted in the 2008 Annual Conference & Exhibition of the American Society of Engineering Education, June 2008
· Reda M.S. Abdel Aal, Adnan H. Zahed, Abdallah O. Bafail, and Ali M. Al-Bahi, “Using Multiple Methods to Assess a Freshman Active Learning Outcome Based Design Course,” 7th Saudi Engineering Conference, King Saud University, Riyadh, December, 2007.
· Reda, M.S. Abdel Aal, Adnan, H. Z., Abddallah, O.B, and Ali, M. A., “Designing and Teaching an Introductory Active Learning Outcome Based Course”, To be published in the proceeding of the Second International Conference in Engineering Education, Kuwait University, Kuwait, April 9-11, 2007
· Al-Bahi, A.M., Zahed, A., Bafail, A., and Abdel Aal, R., "Triangulation in Course Assessment Applied in a Freshman Modelling Course," 10th UICEE Annual Conf. on Eng. Education, Bangkok, Thailand, March 19-23, 2007.
· Abdulla, O.B. and Reda M.S. Abel Aal, “ملامح الخطة الاستراتيجية لكلية الهندسة بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز”, Strategic Planning Symposium in Higher Education Societies, King Fahd University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, December 20-22, 2005
· Reda M.S. Abdel Aal, Abdulla Omar Bafail, and Shoukath Ali Karuvat, "State of the Art Survey on Job Sequencing and Scheduling" The 7th PEDD International Conference on Production Engineering and Design Development, Cairo, March 19-23, 2005.
· Abdullah Mohorjy and Reda Abdulaal, “أنجازات وأستعدادات كلية الهندسة بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز لتحقيق متطلبات معايير الإعتماد الأكاديمي الجديدة EC 2000”, Means to implement the document of views of HRH Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz on Higher Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, january 30 – February 1, 2005
· Reda, M.S., Shoukath, A.K., and Abdulla, O.B, “Enhancing Confidence in DEA Approach With Cluster Analysis for Evaluation of Saudi Share Market”, Accepted for the 8th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt, January 4-6, 2004.
· Abdulla, O.B., Reda, M.S., and Shoukath, A.K., “ DEA As An Integrated Approach for Measuring Efficiency of a Dynamic Economy – A Case Study”, Proceeding of the Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, France, June 4-6, 2003.
· Abdulla Omar Bafail, Reda Abdul Aal, and Shoukath Ali Karuvat, “A DEA Approach for Measuring Relative Performance of Saudi Banks”, International DEA Symbosium 2002 – Efficiency and Productivity Analysis in the 21th Century, June 24-26, 2002, Moscow, Russia
· H. M. Selim, R.M.S. Abdulaal, and A.I. Mahdi, “ A Comparative and Evaluative Study of manufacturing Cell Formation Methods using Cluster Analysis”, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt, February 13-15, 2001.
· Mohamed F. Hassan, Mohamed Atia, and R.M.S. Abdulaal, "استخدام الحاسب فى تخطيط ومراقبة الإنتاج وتحديد الإحتياجات للإدارة العامة للورش ", Proceeding of the Seventh International Cairo University MDP Conference, Vol. II, Cairo, February 2-4, 2000.
· Mohamed F. Hassan, Mohamed Atia, and R.M.S. Abdulaal , "تخطيط ومراقبة أعمال الصيانة بإستخدام الحاسب لقطاع النقل والمرافق وسفاجا" Proceeding of the Seventh International Cairo University MDP Conference, Vol. II, Cairo, February 2-4, 2000.
· Collaboration between the high Education Sector and Other Sectors Specially the Industrial Sector, Institute of Research and Studies, KAAU, Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, 2000.